Alan Mulhern
Psychotherapist, Author,
Director of the Quest Series
Podcasts. See link
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Latest podcast Series 2024 Tr
The Origins of Evil series has now ended a small series on Transhumanism has begun:
Summary of 2nd episode June 1st
Transhumanism divides into moderate Transhumanism which believes in an enhanced human condition, and radical Transhumanism which envisages a profound alteration of our bodies and minds, even to the extent of abandoning our biological inheritance and becoming a designed new species. Both visions envisage accelerating technological change. But humans are not in charge of their technologies, rather technology itself is in the driving seat. While the record so far of a highly improved human condition looks good, for example increased life span, as well as impressive increases in GDP and the standard of living, on closer inspection the contemporary situation looks fraught with difficulty and the world economy could well be at an inflection point. Thus, the moderate Transhumanism project would be stalled, even endangered. However, as further episodes will argue this does not apply to radical Transhumanism which is set to proceed regardless of economic conditions.
Summary of 2nd episode July 1st
Transhumanism believes in a transition of Homo sapiens into a trans-human and even post-biological state made possible by accelerating technological progress, for example Artificial General Intelligence. The recent emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) not only push the boundaries of AI but may also play their part in the Transhumanist enterprise. In reply to the question what are the dangers of such technologies to human consciousness, Gemini, one of the well known LLMs, gave a very frank and disturbing reply. All is revealed in the episode!
Season One (S1) - Psychotherapy: Jungian Approach to Healing.
Season Two (S2)- The Quest. With special focus on the evolving crises of the 21st century.
Season Three (S3) - En Español: la Psicología Junguiana y la Crisis de Nuestro Tiempo
The podcasts started in August 2018. S1 finished in Jan 2019.
Its subject: how healing works in therapy.
S2 began in Feb 2019 and is the majority of the podcasts. Episodes are published every three weeks, They cover a wide range of themes but have particular focus on the crisis of our times.
S3 started in May 2020 and is in Spanish. Its main focus is the work of Carl Jung